The present digital archive and scholarly genetic edition of The Voices of Spring by Maironis, created in Vilnius University in 2017–2020, is aimed at both a general introduction to the poetry of the classic of Lithuanian literature, and its research.
Here you will find the entire available material testifying to the authorial process of creating, editing and publishing the poems. For the first time it has been accumulated, digitalised, annotated and prepared for public access – browsing and search. The digital archive includes all the autographs and editions that came out in Maironis’s lifetime and according to his will, as well as the textual sources of musical compositions created after his poems.
In the digital archive a user can:
– read and download the new edition of Maironis’s poetry corpus, which is based on textual research conducted for the first time; this edition should be considered a reading edition (meant for literary reading, public reciting, school analysis), until currently unknown documents (autographs, sheet proofs) appear, or future researchers present well-argued alternative versions;
> POETRY (under the headings Titles | First Lines | Chronology, the reading edition can be accessed by choosing the version “norminis” [normalized])
– find all the versions of Maironis’s poetic works that should be considered authorial (details can be found under the heading Methodology) in the form of transcripts and facsimiles (by searching through the Titles, First Lines and Chronology), and analyse the change of the composition of the collection;
– read and explore individually – as unique bibliographical structures – the four editions of The Voices of Spring published by the author himself, and the first volume Lyrics of Collected Works by Maironis (the menu on the left), as well as two edited author’s copies of The Voices of Spring, the autograph of Lyrics and rough copies (facsimiles and transcripts);
– compare author’s versions of poems and analyse the process of textual change in various linguistic and poetic aspects in the dynamic genetic edition;
– use the data of the digital archive based on specialized instruments of scholarly research – concordance and de visu specified bibliography.
Citation Guide and Restrictions of Use
eISBN 978-609-07-0500-1
DOI: 10.15388/voicesofspring2020
Vilniaus University Press, 2020
News / Reviews
Project workshop
Prof. Elena Pierazzo in 2018 visited Vilnius and supervised the XML workshop for the assistants of the project. She and team leader prof. Paulius V. Subačius presented the project and perspectives of digital humanities in the morning broadcasting “Names of Research” in Lithuanian National radio.